
Finding a therapist who you can feel comfortable with, who is experienced in the area where you want support, and who works in a way that connects with you can feel like a daunting task. I would encourage you to ask questions and take advantage of the 15 minute free consultation to help get a sense of your ability to connect and feel comfortable. A felt sense of safety and connection can be a very individual thing; take some time to consider what this might look like for you. I am happy to have a conversation about any questions, concerns, or curiosities you might have.

  • 60 minute individual session - $130

    75 minutes for couples - $170

    15 min. consultation for new inquiries - Free (phone or video conference)

    Payment - Fees are due at the end of each session. Payment can be made by e-transfer, cash, or cheque.

    Cancellation - 24 hour notice of a session change or cancellation is required to avoid a full session fee being billed.

    Insurance - Certain health insurance providers cover services provided by a Registered Clinical Counsellor. Please double check what your benefits package offers for mental health benefits. You will be provided with a receipt to submit for reimbursement.

    I am a registered clinician with CVAP for those with approved funding through this program.

  • I primarily work with youth (14+) and adult individuals.

    Couples will be considered when my schedule permits.

    If you have questions about whether we would be a good fit, feel free to send me a message with your questions.



emotional distress


grief and loss

spirituality & faith (dis)integration


anxiety depression emotional distress parenting grief and loss spirituality & faith (dis)integration addiction

life can be heavy.

stress management

relationship struggles

grief and loss

emotional distress



traumatic experiences

stress management relationship struggles grief and loss emotional distress depression anxiety traumatic experiences

spirituality & faith (dis)integration

traumatic experiences

emotional distress



grief and loss


spirituality & faith (dis)integration traumatic experiences emotional distress addiction depression grief and loss anxiety

You don’t have to do it alone. If you are struggling in any of these areas, I’d love to connect with you.


the space


12-8465 Harvard Place | Chilliwack, BC

(Office located inside Cowork Chilliwack)
Currently available on Mondays and Thursdays